“A View From The Pew”
Hello, Tom Susor again, as I write this I say to myself “if it ever stops raining and warms up” well you get the drift, it’s been somewhat less spring-like than we all hoped it would be. That being said, there’s not much we can do about the weather. There is however something we can do with the gifts God has given us. Now you may think “what gifts”? As Peter tells us in First Peter 4:10 “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” God leaves no one out; we are all in possession of various gifts from God. Some recognize their God given talents, some people don’t. A beautiful voice is easy to recognize but it’s no greater gift than an open ear to listen to the troubled heart of a needy friend. Your gift from God can be as simple as a warm smile and an out-stretched hand to a stranger. It can also be as demanding as the need to bear the responsibility of organizing the neighborhood dinner, or to work diligently in the kitchen preparing that same dinner. A person’s individual talents regardless of what they are, are indeed gifts from God and all God asks is we chose to use those wonderful gifts to help, enlighten and serve one another in His Name. So if you’re a singer, Sing; if you’re a leader, Lead; if you’re a server, Serve; and yes if you’re a smiler by all means SMILE; they’re all God’s gifts and they are meant to be used for His Glory. Remember when you think that “someone should do something” I hope that someone is you!!!!!
Peace & Love Tom Susor Sr.